Tuesday May 24, 2011, 6:30pm
at the Cavan Monaghan Township Offices, 988 County Rd. 10, Millbrook
You are invited to attend a Meet & Greet event hosted by Manvers Wind Concerns and Community Wind Concerns of Cavan Monaghan. This event features thePresident of Wind Concerns Ontario, John Laforet, and Stephana Johnston.
Provincial Conservative and Liberal candidates for Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes havebeen invited to attend. The meeting will be avaluable opportunity to hear their views on energy and the responsible location ofIndustrial Wind Farms in the run-up to the election in October.
JohnLaforet, President of Wind Concerns Ontario, is setting out on a provincewide 'Truth About Wind Turbines' Tour. John is the face of public protestin the battle against irresponsible industrial wind development in ruralOntario. We are concerned about the proposed Industrial Wind Turbines on theOak Ridges Moraine in the Manvers area, the destruction of the beautiful Hillsof Bethany, and the historic village of Millbrook and the famous4th Line Theatre. These are just a few of many concernsthat our rural people have. While we are supportive of GreenEnergy, we do not believe that Industrial Wind Turbines belong nearhomes. We do not believe that Industrial Wind Turbines belong inneighbourhoods.
MPP RickJohnson and Laurie Scott, provincialConservative candidate, have been invited to speak on their views for responsible approaches to wind and energy policy in Ontario.
The format for the MEET & GREET will consist of a 30 minute informalsession commencing at 6:30 pm. At 7:00 pm, through a moderated panelformat, John Laforet will be invited to address those in attendance for 15minutes, followed by 10 minute addresses from each of the politicalcandidates. The Press and the general public will then be offered theopportunity to pose questions to the panelists.
Please consider attending what promises to be an informative evening!
Manvers Wind Concerns