In the following article from the Ottawa Citizen:
A government lawyer fighting off a major challenge to wind energy in Ontario says the foremost health impact complained about by detractors is not a medical condition at all, but a “fact of life.”
Frederika Rotter cast aspersions on the term “annoyance,” which opponents describe as a critical health condition caused by giant wind turbines, which emit noise that, they say, causes a number of other physiological effects, including sleep disturbance, headache, irritability, problems with concentration and depression.
“Annoyance doesn’t equal ‘serious harm to human health,’” Rotter told an Environmental Review Tribunal panel Thursday. “You could be annoyed by your neighbour’s screaming. Everyone suffers from annoyance.”
(This is such a lame argument. First of all the turbines are being placed in rural residential areas. Screaming neighbours are usually found in cities. And comparing a rare screaming outburst from a neighbour to 20 or more years of constant whooshing and other mechanical noises from wind turbines is not the same. We have the right to good mental health, period.)