Demonstration on April 28, 2010 – Queen’s Park 11 am
Ontario citizens will converge on Queen’s Park to protest the irresponsible location of industrial wind turbines too close to human habitation. This April 28 ‘Ontario Day of Action’ is one of several International protests taking place including Japan, April 30 and Berlin, May 15.
Around the world, government policies concerning industrial wind development have been heavily influenced by the Wind Energy lobby and other interest groups. As a consequence, policy decisions have been made that put peoples’ health and quality of life at risk.
Under the new provincial Green Energy Act, the Ontario Liberal government is fast-tracking renewable energy projects in a bid to meet an election promise to eliminate coal-fired generating plants. In so doing, it has bypassed planning powers of municipalities and infringed on the democratic rights of their citizens.
By imposing huge turbines on rural communities through flawed processes and industrialized environmentalism, families and hundreds of thousands of hectares of beautiful Ontario countryside are being systematically ravaged. At the same time, the objections of local municipalities and citizens have been silenced by the Green Energy Act.
The government of Ontario must protect all its citizens and ensure that independent scientific research on health impacts is conducted before more industrial wind installations are built.
Speakers include
Mr. Ian Hanna who has made the Application for Judicial Review of the Green Energy Act as it applies to industrial wind turbines.
Dr. Robert McMurtry, Chair, The Society for Wind Vigilance
Mr. Eric Gillespie, Environmental Lawyer
Mr. John Laforet, President Wind Concerns Ontario
Michael Trebilcock, Professor, Law and Economics, University of Toronto
David Grey Eagle Sanford, Toronto-based Eco Warrior, First Nations
There will be speakers from Queen’s Park as well as elected Municipal officials from across Ontario. Live music will be provided by Toronto artists such as Karen Wild Child, Bruce Palait, Seb Agnello, and Benny Sanders.